Title: Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) (BHS)


FUNCTION: Systematically guide and direct the improvement of instruction, leading to

                 higher Student achievement. Directly responsible to the Building Principal.


LOCATION: BHS (3 openings)




  1. Works as a member of the school instructional leadership teams to identify needs, address problems, and improve student outcomes.
  2. Analyzes data and researches best practices to make recommendations regarding instruction, interventions, feedback, curriculum and programming to improve student outcomes.
  3. Promotes data discussions and processes that improve student outcomes.
  4. Facilitates the development and implementation of district approved curriculum using district approved processes and resources.
  5. Researches and recommends curricula, instruction and assessment resources.
  6. Participates in and helps foster a collaborative professional culture that supports reflection of self and analysis of school instructional practices and student outcomes.
  7. Encourages and attempts research, experimentation, professional development, and a variety of teaching methodologies and modes to improve teaching and learning.
  8. May be asked to assist in the interviewing of new school personnel.
  9. Participates actively in professional development to reach school and district improvement objectives.
  10. Attend two full-day Learning Walks and monthly, half-day leadership team meetings during the school day.
  11. May be required to attend additional out of school meetings for which they will be compensated at their per diem rate.